

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Solution UVA: 536 - Tree Recovery


 Problem  VerdictLangTimeBestRankSubmit Time
 | discuss536 - Tree Recovery AcceptedC++110.0000.00035511 mins ago

+ To slove problem you need to know Tree Data Structure and Printing a Tree using 3 Methods (but in this problem to save data you can use map not need use node)

*  The most important thing to solve this problem is to realize that: "The root of each subtree will be the character that appears earliest compared to other characters in the first string of the input set"

* Applying the divide and conquer algorithm:
Starting with the string ABCDEFG, we can find the root of the largest tree, which is D.
From this position, we divide it into two subtrees: ABC and EFG.
For the ABC subtree, based on the string DBACEGF, we can determine that B is the root (because B appears earliest).
For the EFG subtree, based on the string DBACEGF, we can determine that E is the root (because E appears earliest).
From the ABC subtree, after finding the root as B, we continue to divide and conquer two subtrees: A and C.
From the EFG subtree, after finding the root as E, we continue to divide and conquer one subtree: FG.
For the FG subtree, we find that G is the root (because G appears before F in the first string).
So we have completed finding all nodes in the tree.
Result is Post-order traversal of the tree.

using namespace std;

unordered_map<char, char> L, R;
string a, b;

char f(int l, int r){
    if (l==r) return b[l];
    int low= 1000111000;
    int root= -1;
    for(int i=l; i<=r; i++)
        for(int j=0; a[j]; j++)
            if (b[i] == a[j])
                if (low > j){
                    low = j;
                    root = i;  
    if (l <= root-1) L[b[root]]= f(l, root-1);
    if (r >= root+1) R[b[root]]= f(root+1, r);
    return b[root];

void trace(char u){
    if (L.count(u)) trace(L[u]);
    if (R.count(u)) trace(R[u]);
    if ('A' <= u && u <= 'Z') cout<<u;

int main(){
    ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr);
    while(cin >> a >> b){
        L.clear(), R.clear();  
        trace(f(0, b.size()));

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