

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Solution UVA: 10911 - Forming Quiz Teams

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We must "dynamic programming with bitmask" to solve problem if not want use another algorithm harder. (CP Book 4 Part 2 have tutorial detail)

If you not know dp bitmask before, i think we need go to from:

/1/ basic dp with state use vector<bool> 

/2/ upgrade dp with state use bitset

/3/ And final use dp bitmask !

Version /3/ use bitmask (Accepted -  Code from CP Book 4 Part 2): //version 1 and 2 in bottom

// Forming Quiz Teams

#include <algorithm>            // if you have problems with this C++ code,
#include <cmath>            // consult your programming text books first...
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
        /* Forming Quiz Teams, the solution for UVa 10911 above */
          // using global variables is a bad software engineering practice,
int N, target;                  // but it is OK for competitive programming
double dist[20][20], memo[1 << 16];  // 1 << 16 = 2^16, note that max N = 8

double matching(int bitmask) {                        // DP state = bitmask
                       // we initialize `memo' with -1 in the main function
  if (memo[bitmask] > -0.5)          // this state has been computed before
    return memo[bitmask];                   // simply lookup the memo table
  if (bitmask == target)                // all students are already matched
    return memo[bitmask] = 0;                              // the cost is 0

  double ans = 2000000000.0;               // initialize with a large value
  int p1, p2;
  for (p1 = 0; p1 < 2 * N; p1++)
    if (!(bitmask & (1 << p1)))
      break;                              // find the first bit that is off
  for (p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < 2 * N; p2++)              // then, try to match p1
    if (!(bitmask & (1 << p2)))     // with another bit p2 that is also off
      ans = min(ans,                                    // pick the minimum
                dist[p1][p2] + matching(bitmask | (1 << p1) | (1 << p2)));

  return memo[bitmask] = ans;    // store result in a memo table and return

int main() {
  int i, j, caseNo = 1, x[20], y[20];
  // freopen("10911.txt", "r", stdin);      // redirect input file to stdin

  while (scanf("%d", &N), N) {                    // yes, we can do this :)
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
      scanf("%*s %d %d", &x[i], &y[i]);                // '%*s' skips names
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * N - 1; i++)        // build pairwise distance table
      for (j = i + 1; j < 2 * N; j++)      // have you used `hypot' before?
        dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = hypot(x[i] - x[j], y[i] - y[j]);

    // use DP to solve min weighted perfect matching on small general graph
    for (i = 0; i < (1 << 16); i++) memo[i] = -1.0;  // set -1 to all cells
    target = (1 << (2 * N)) - 1;
    printf("Case %d: %.2lf\n", caseNo++, matching(0));
} } // return 0;

Verison /1/ basic dp use vector<bool> (Only apply N <= 4, my code)

using namespace std;

const int N= 9;
int x[N], y[N];
double d[N][N];
int n;  
string s;
map<vector<bool>, double> F;

double f(vector<bool> state){
    if (F.count(state)) return F[state];
    int i= 0;
    for(i; i<state.size(); i++)
        if (state[i] == false) break;
    if (i == state.size()) return 0;
    double ans = 1000111000;
    int p1, p2;
    for(p1 = 0; p1 < 2*n; p1++)
        if (state[p1] == false) break;
    for(p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < 2*n; p2++)
        if (state[p2] == false){
            state[p1]= true;
            state[p2]= true;
            ans = min(ans, d[p1][p2] + f(state));
            state[p1]= false;
            state[p2]= false;
    return F[state] = ans;

int main(){

    while(cin >> n && n){
        for(int i=0; i<2*n; i++)
            cin >> s >> x[i] >> y[i];
        for(int i=0; i<2*n; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<2*n; j++)
                d[i][j] = hypot(x[i]-x[j], y[i]-y[j]);
        vector<bool> state(2*n, false);            
        cout << f(state) <<"\n";

Verison /2/ dp use bitset (Only apply N <= 4, memory smaller than vector<bool> and deploy near bitmask,  my code)

using namespace std;

const int N= 8;
int x[N], y[N];
double d[N][N];
int n;  
string s;
unordered_map<bitset<16>, double> F;

double f(bitset<16> state){
    if (F.count(state)) return F[state];
    int i= 0;
    for(i; i<2*n; i++)
        if (state.test(i) == false) break;
    if (i == 2*n) return 0;
    double ans = 1000111000;
    size_t p1, p2;
    for(p1 = 0; p1 < 2*n; p1++)
        if (state.test(p1) == false) break;
    for(p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < 2*n; p2++)
        if (state.test(p2) == false){
            ans = min(ans, d[2*n-1-p1][2*n-1-p2] + f(state));
    return F[state] = ans;

int main(){

    while(cin >> n && n){
        for(int i=0; i<2*n; i++)
            cin >> s >> x[i] >> y[i];
        for(int i=0; i<2*n; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<2*n; j++)    
                d[i][j] = hypot(x[i]-x[j], y[i]-y[j]);
        bitset<16> state; //00...000(16)                
        cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << f(state) <<"\n";

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