Problem | Verdict | Lang | Time | Best | Rank | Submit Time |
| discuss820 - | Accepted | C++11 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1678 | 1 days ago |
- The problem is max flow basic (i found clean code to solve)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INF = 1e9;
struct Edge {
int u, v;
int capacity;
int flow;
struct Network {
int n;
int source, sink;
vector<vector<int> > a;
vector<Edge> E;
vector<int> cur;
vector<int> dist;
Network() {}
Network(int n, int s, int t) {
this->n = n;
source = s; sink = t;
a = vector<vector<int> > (n + 1);
cur = dist = vector<int> (n + 1);
void addEdge(int u, int v, int c) {
a[u].push_back(E.size()); E.push_back({u, v, c, 0});
a[v].push_back(E.size()); E.push_back({v, u, 0, 0});
bool bfs() {
fill(dist.begin(), dist.end(), -1);
queue<int> Q; Q.push(source); dist[source] = 0;
while (!Q.empty()) {
int u = Q.front(); Q.pop();
for (int i = 0; i < a[u].size(); ++i) {
int id = a[u][i], v = E[id].v;
if (dist[v] < 0 && E[id].flow < E[id].capacity) {
dist[v] = dist[u] + 1;
return dist[sink] >= 0;
int dfs(int u, int flow) {
if (!flow) return 0;
if (u == sink) return flow;
for (; cur[u] < a[u].size(); ++cur[u]) {
int id = a[u][cur[u]], v = E[id].v;
if (dist[v] != dist[u] + 1) continue;
int delta = dfs(v, min(flow, E[id].capacity - E[id].flow));
if (delta) {
E[id].flow += delta; E[id ^ 1].flow -= delta;
return delta;
return 0;
int maxFlow() {
int ans = 0;
while (bfs()) {
fill(cur.begin(), cur.end(), 0);
while (true) {
int delta = dfs(source, INF);
if (!delta) break;
ans += delta;
return ans;
int main() {
int n, m, s, t, cnt= 0;
while(cin >> n && n){
cin >> s >> t >> m;
Network G (n, s, t);
while (m--) {
int u, v, c;
cin >> u >> v >> c;
G.addEdge(u, v, c);
G.addEdge(v, u, c);
cout << "Network "<<++cnt<<"\n";
cout <<"The bandwidth is "<<G.maxFlow()<<"."<<"\n\n";
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