

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Solution UVA: 10397 - Connect the Campus


 Problem  VerdictLangTimeBestRankSubmit Time
 | discuss10397 - Connect the Campus AcceptedC++110.0600.00070330 secs ago

- The first, we calc distance of buildings (w) and create edge with 3 prameter u,v,w for kruskal
- Second, we create edge with w=0 for buildings had cable ago
- Finaly, use kruskal :))

#define N 1000111
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i=a; i<=b; i++)
using namespace std;

int n,m,u,v;
int fa[N];
int x[N], y[N];

struct Arr{
 int u,v;
 double w;
Arr a[N];
bool cmd(Arr a, Arr b){
 return a.w < b.w;

int root(int u){
 return fa[u]=( fa[u]==u ? u : root(fa[u]) );
void join(int u, int v){
double dis(int a, int b, int c, int d){
    return sqrt(pow(c - a, 2) + pow(d - b, 2));
void Reset(){
 FOR(i, 1, n) fa[i]= i;
void Solve(){
 double ans=0;
 FOR(i, 1, m)
  if (root(a[i].u) != root(a[i].v)){
   join(a[i].u, a[i].v);
   ans+= a[i].w;
   if (--n == 1) break;

void Scanf(){
     while(cin >> n){
         FOR(i, 1, n) cin >> x[i] >> y[i];
         m= 0;
         FOR(i, 1, n-1)
         FOR(j, i+1, n){
            a[++m].u = i;
            a[m].v = j;
            a[m].w = dis(x[i], y[i], x[j], y[j]);
         int m0; cin >> m0;
            cin >> u >> v;
            a[++m].u = u;
            a[m].v = v;
            a[m].w = 0;
         sort(a+1, a+1+m, cmd); // m

int main(){


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