

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Solution UVA: 679 - Dropping Balls


 Problem  VerdictLangTimeBestRankSubmit Time
 | discuss679 - Dropping Balls AcceptedC++110.2700.000492236 secs ago


The first, we create branch from ball 1 (we will have 1, 2, 4, 8, ...) and save result F[deapth(i)] [1] =node(i). 
Then continue create branch ball 2 (we will have 1, 3, 6, 12, ...) and save result F[deapth(i)] [2] =node(i).
So on ...
Finally, we have a tree and result dynamic programming top down ! 
Happy Coding :)

#define FOR(i, a, b) for(int i=a; i<=b; i++)
using namespace std;

const int maxNode= (int)pow(2, 20) - 1;
const int maxBall= 524288;
int F[21][maxBall+1];
bool state[maxNode+1];
int t, n, depth, ball;
void f(int node, int depth, int ball){

    if (node > maxNode) return;
    if (state[node]) f(node*2+1, depth+1, ball);
    else f(node*2, depth+1, ball);
    if (F[depth][ball] == 0) F[depth][ball]= node;
    state[node] = (state[node] ? false : true);

void init(){
    FOR(i, 1, maxBall) f(1, 1, i);
void solve(){
    cin >> depth; if (depth == -1) exit(0);
    cin >> ball;
    cout << F[depth][ball]<<"\n";

int main(){
    cin >> t;
    while(t--){ solve();}

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