Problem | Verdict | Lang | Time | Best | Rank | Submit Time |
![]() | Accepted | C++11 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1433 | 49 secs ago |
- This is fucking hard dijkstra problem have implenment that i used to code (by my method)
-> So you can choose another method maybe easy than it (i was research and find many but i can't understand so I have to think and code by myself )
Below is method like me (from codeforces):
This problem is more about carefully modelling graph. There can be different ways to model the graph, I used the following which looks intuitive to me. Once we model the graph, the problem is just single shortest path problem and which can be solved using Dijkstra.
Nodes: each node is pair( elevator, floor). Edges: For edges with in same floor, weight= dist*time. For edges across elevators stopping at same floor weight=switch-time, which in this problem is 60.
Following example with clarify better:
3 50
10 50 100
0 10 30 40
0 20 30
0 20 50
Nodes: each node is pair( elevator, floor). Edges: For edges with in same floor, weight= dist*time. For edges across elevators stopping at same floor weight=switch-time, which in this problem is 60.
Following example with clarify better:
3 50
10 50 100
0 10 30 40
0 20 30
0 20 50
#define X first
#define Y second
#define long long long
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define FOR(i, a, b) for(long i=a; i<=b; i++)
using namespace std;
typedef pair<long, long> ii;
typedef pair<ii, long> iii;
const long oo=(long)1e18;
const int N=1000111;
long n,m;
long k,u,l,v, K;
map<ii,long> d;
map<ii, vector<iii>> a;
int va[N];
string s;
vector< vector<long> > vec;
vector<long> process(string s){
string x="";
vector<long> a;
while(s[0] == ' ') s.erase(0);
while(s[s.size()-1] == ' ') s.erase(s.size()-1);
s+=' ';
for(int i=0; s[i]; i++){
if (s[i]==' '){
else x += s[i];
return a;
void reset(){
void Dijkstra_heap(){
//parent[ii(1,0)]= ii(-1,-1);
for(auto it=a.begin(); it!=a.end(); it++)
d[it->X]= oo;
d[ii(-1,-1)]= 0;
d[ii(0,0)]= oo;
priority_queue< pair<long, ii> > Q;
Q.push(mp(-d[ii(-1,-1)], ii(-1,-1)));
ii u=;
if (du > d[u]) continue;
for(iii p:a[u]){
ii v=p.X; long val=p.Y;
if (d[v] > d[u] + val){
d[v] = d[u] + val;
//parent[v] = u;
//check[v]= d[v];
Q.push(mp(-d[v], v));
if (d[ii(0,0)] == oo) cout<<"IMPOSSIBLE\n";
else cout<<d[ii(0,0)]<<"\n";
void Scanf(){
while(cin >> n >> K){
FOR(i, 1, n) cin >> va[i];
FOR(i, 1, n){
getline(cin, s);
FOR(l, 1, n){
vector<long> vt = vec[l];
for(int i=0; i<vt.size()-1; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j<vt.size(); j++){
ii p = ii(l, i+1);
ii q = ii(l, j+1);
long dis = abs(vt[j] - vt[i])*va[l];
iii pp = iii(p, dis);
iii qq = iii(q, dis);
FOR(i1, 1, n-1)
FOR(i2, i1+1, n){
vector<long> v1 = vec[i1];
vector<long> v2 = vec[i2];
for(int i=0; i<v1.size(); i++)
for(int j=0; j<v2.size(); j++)
if (v1[i] == v2[j]){
ii p = ii(i1, i+1);
ii q = ii(i2, j+1);
long dis = 60;
iii pp = iii(p, dis);
iii qq = iii(q, dis);
FOR(l, 1, n){
vector<long> vv = vec[l];
for(int i=0; i<vv.size(); i++)
if (vv[i]==K) {
ii p = ii(l, i+1);
ii q = ii(0, 0);
long dis = 0;
iii pp = iii(p, dis);
iii qq = iii(q, dis);
FOR(j, 1, n){
ii p = ii(j, 0);
vector<long> vt = vec[j];
if (vt[0] != 0) continue;
a[ii(-1,-1)].pb(iii(ii(j,1), 0));
a[ii(j,1)].pb(iii(ii(-1,-1), 0));
for(int i=0; i<vt.size(); i++){
ii q = ii(1, i+1);
long dis = vt[i]*va[j];
iii pp = iii(p, dis);
iii qq = iii(q, dis);
// for(auto it=a.begin(); it!=a.end(); it++){
// cout<<it->X.X<<" "<<it->X.Y<<"\n";
// for(auto x:it->Y) cout<<x.X.X<<","<<x.X.Y<<":"<<x.Y<<" ; ";
// cout<<"\n";
// }
//map<ii, ii> parent;
//map<ii, long> check;
//void find_path(ii u){
// if (u.X==-1 && u.Y==-1) return;
// find_path(parent[u]);
// cout<<u.X<<","<<u.Y<<":"<<check[u]<<" --> ";
int main(){
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